Hey friends. So much to tell you, however, today I need your vote. I'm so incredibly honored that I am nominated for a 2014 Native American Music Award aka a NAMMY. I'm nominated in the Category of "Songwriter of the Year" for my song Strong Medicine.  That is such an honor. Out of all the categories to be nominated in this makes me most proud.

The album Strong Medicine was funded with your support using Kickstarter. It was a musical journey of caregiving and loosing my partner of 10 years to pancreatic cancer. The music has affected so many of you as I have heard from listeners personally. 

Voting ends today Nov. 14 at noon. Here is what to do: 

Go to quickly register your name and email, and scroll down to Category #25.

Click next to my name "Randy Granger - Strong Medicine"  That's it! 

To hears and download Strong Medicine on iTunes here is the that link:

Thank you for your support. I'm on the road presently, again. Just performed and MC'd at Native Rhythms Festival in Melbourne, FL. I also taught in the first Native American Flute School there as well for two full days. What a blast!!!! Love that festival, the people and organizers. Please share this with your friends on FB just copy and paste the voting information. I'll keep you posted. 



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