Seasonal flute album download sale in December

My seasonal Native American Flute album Winter Colors is on sale all December for $6.99 per download. You can give it as a gift to others or add to your Holiday playlist. Mellow, evocative music.

CDBaby music editors said of it when it was featured on their Front Page:
"It will be difficult, if not impossible, to find a more serene, mood-setting album this holiday season than Randy Granger’s, “Winter Colors.” Featuring the tranquil and meditative voice of the Native American flute with its evocative call as gentle and tender as falling snow, this album takes us through ten soothing tracks from haunting solos like O Come O Come Emmanuel to carols backed with light percussion and guitar, such as Silent Night, to flute duets such as on Lullay Lullay/Coventry Carol. Within each performance, there is incredible stillness and reflection and yet, the album is deeply inspired and threaded with sincere feeling. If you have enjoyed and followed the work of R. Carlos Nakai, Marina Raye or Mark Holland, this is a must-have seasonal gem."
"Tamara Turner, CD Baby

Don't forget that through Dec. 4th get .01¢ shipping on all my CD's even international orders. 

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