Re-weaving the unraveling. New videos.

Greetings from New Mexico. It is now August and we are still over 100 degree temps. I always think of my ancestors when it is this hot. How did they live? How did they cool themselves? I asked my mother recently how they did it. She didn’t really know. I think they went in shelter midday and probably used wet hides or blankets on the doorways to cool. Soldiers at Ft Seldon wore wool. I cannot even imagine that. I’ve asked my mother what it was like growing up in the Mesilla Valley, but she doesn’t recall much about the heat. I suppose we all just adjust in our mind and acclimation to where we are. 

I hope you are all healthy in all ways. I continue to work on new projects. I am so very grateful that I have work too. Not the same kind of work and not for the expected income my gigs, schools and performances had promised. I am not alone by any definition. I feel for the millions of Americans in every profession affected by our shared pandemic. That is what it means after all. I continue to appreciate the support of listeners and friends who understand my situation. I am also grateful for the help from the New Mexico Musicians Relief Fund from who I received a stipend which helps cover bills. They are the only organization looking out for musicians in New Mexico. I’ve applied for over twenty programs, including this one, with no success. There are so many of us in the industry all hurting and clamoring for a very small pie. 

Here is a Native American story I think illustrates our global and human situation: 


I have been filling in my empty calendar with virtual gigs. I appreciate so very much being able to work. The amount of work I put into these is the same, if not more, than in person performances and sermons or messages. These came about from work I have done in the past. I chalk it up to a work ethic and doing consistently above and beyond expectations. In order to be a success in any field you must do that and offer a service worth being paid. Pandemic or not, it is the same idea. Here is a recent article about our local upcoming virtual Renaissance Faire which I am a part of in planning, execution, emcee and performance.,4378 

I appreciate that congregations of worship have been calling on my since March to offer virtual music and message. It is a great responsibility to be asked to do so. I don’t take it lightly. As a spiritual teacher and minister for some years I understand what is being asked and the significance. That congregations from around the country invite me into their service is meaningful and humbling. I have updated my website to reflect my experience and added some videos at 

I want to leave you with hope that we will begin to re-weave this most unraveled world. This is a video I’ve put together of sacred places and people set to my version of Amazing Grace on guitar and vocals. I believe we, each of us, is a sacred place. Each of us has a spark of the divine wanting to shine and be seen by each spark of creation. 



As always, thank you for your continued support on Spotify, Pandora, my website and your donations at 




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