How to get a million fans--without a record label.

Ok so you’re a musician. You have some cd’s out; you have a Facebook “like” page. Personally I wished they had never changed it from Fan to Like as it diminshes the word fan and seeks to equalize in a weird, proletarian way, but they didn’t ask me ha-ha. Oh yeah, back to the topic. So you play out, you collect names on your mailing list like a rabid voter registration evangelist and send out mailings every time you get a new listen on Reverbnation. Don’t laugh; I’m on some of these mailing lists. 

In other words you’re doing everything right. You even harang your friends into sharing your status. Websites like and have great articles and podcasts with valuable info on how to “work” it. Heck you can pay services to collect you 25,000 fans on Twitter and your Facebook fan pages. (I still call it fan) Is it about the numbers? Really? Well yes and no.

Sure is a venue or booker is considering hiring you they will look at your social media pages and see numbers number. The astute ones will look at interactions. But I am here to burst the bubble of it all. Wanna earn 1million fans? Guess what? You gotta “earn” them and have a lot of luck and support doing it. Yeah I used the “L” word, luck. I went there.

In the meantime I will tell you how I do it. You earn fans ONE FAN AT A TIME. Recently I played a house concert. I like house concerts for their intimacy. Being able to structure your pace and set in a way that feels casual is a nice contrast from festival gigs or formal concerts. Plus people usually drink a lot at these things so that helps you in a big way ha-ha. People are way more relaxed in general. On the performer side of it though people are inches from you and usually a little too relaxed. One guys said, “You wouldn’t be anything without all your technology,” during my 2nd set. In a concert setting that wouldn’t happen. I am a pro so I said, “Oh now the folks in Hospice would disagree.” Then used the remark to tell a great story of playing a gig during a black out that rocked. During the break everyone lined up to tell me his or her story and I never went to the bathroom or even had a drink of water. So it’s a fine line.


Randy Granger performing at a House Concert

What I did, was listen to their personal, very intimate stories, one at a time. Took the time to shake their hands, receive a hug, be present and answer their gazillion questions with grace and patience. I returned their investment of time and attention with sincere interest. (Wow that’s a great pun) haha. And on social media I do the same, within reason of course. Many of my fans feel very invested in me not just my music. They say I’m real and write me personal message when they “perceive” I may be having a bad day. Each and every live show is like this. Recently played to a standing ovation one night. The next I was background music for a fundraiser dinner and didn’t sell a single CD. It’s all part of the contrast that you have to love to survive in the music business. And it is a business. Remember that. I thank each person who shares my music or links. I ask, ok sometimes beg, folks to “like” a post. I reach out and treat each fan like a human being with a busy life and thank them personally, or at least try to, when they tell me they downloaded my music.

Sure with the support of a record label or paid promoter your reach would be increased hundreds fold. Until then you have to stop with the 9 a day newsletters, constant begging folks to vote on this and that, blasting your Soundcloud songs three a day and just show some appreciation for the fans who already love your music. Give them a chance to also love you as a human with faults and bad days and the diehard ones will stay with you. And if you are lucky, they will become your fans. Now go and play a million gigs and you’ll have a million fans. (I exaggerate of course) Ask them all to share your music with their friends. In the meantime, don’t forget to say thank you to the 30 you have now.

For more information on how to host a House Concert of your very own visit  It's much easier than you might think and I love doing them. 





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