Fans showing more personal level of appreciation.

I’ve noticed how listeners and fans at shows are expressing their appreciation in ways that are sincere and humbling. Ultimately, you perform and tour to share what you do, your music and stories. If people show up and pay or leave a goodwill donation that of course is showing support. It is a lot to ask folks who’ve never heard your music to sit for two hours of it. I recognize that and give 100% every show regardless who or how many show up. You never take a night off from that, and I’m not one to use a show as a “rehearsal” as I hear so many musicians say.

Yesterday, performing at the World of Faeries Festival in South Elgin, IL a guy came up and left a shell with smoking sage in it and a bundle of it on the stage and bowed to me in honor. I bowed in return and continued to play. People applauded. A woman with a parasol kept getting closer and closer to the stage then stood right in front of the speaker, swaying back and forth, eyes closed absorbing the music note by note like a summer shower. Her woman friend came and held her and they seemed to be sharing a very special moment. When my set finished she stuffed a $20 bill into my gig bag. I said thank you and bowed.

In West Des Moines where I performed a house concert, something I love doing. Two women showed up and said a relative from Las Cruces, NM where I live saw I’d be there and emailed them emphatically to go to my show. They did. Another relative of theirs who heard me in Arizona also brought a handful of people. He was so moved and emotional when he saw me he could barely form the words to explain his story. I just said I was so glad to see him again. He couldn’t believe I remembered who he was and what show it was. I did because he had just lost his daughter when he heard me. He sat very close, closing his eyes as if absorbing every note and word as a healing balm. He said he would be at my next house concert Monday night that is quite a distance from Des Moines.

In the morning I received an email on facebook from someone connected to that group of followers. It was powerful and moving to know my music is touching people at such a deep level. I’m honored and feel a sense of responsibility of course. I feel something has shifted in me that I understand I’m a musician who writes and records and tours for the “listeners” and that is needs to happen on a much larger scale. This isn’t about ego in the least and if you think that there is something in you that is being projected. Something very deep and real has been going on with my audience/listeners and mine’s relationship for about three years. They are revealing such deep and personal stories to me and telling me my music is a catalyst for their healing. They tell me they play my music for their brother, mother, partner, friend going through chemo, cancer on their hospice and hospital bead. They say my music heals their heart and have worn out my CD’s so much they buy new ones at shows. I’m not making any of this up. I don’t need to. 

What does this mean? I don’t know. Will it make me rich and famous? Win my Grammys’ and Nammy’s? Get me more headliner festival gigs?  I could care less. I understand more and more my music’s role in healing. Help getting it to the largest audience possible would be welcomed. In the meantime I can only trust and have faith that the right people, circumstances and opportunities are presenting themselves to me at the right time and in the right way. You can help by sharing my music on your walls, in emails, with friends and family, coworkers etc. You can leave reviews of my music on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby. Thank you for your support!

 Here is an excerpt from the email I received recently. It helped me so much to get up and do it all again even with road fatigue, sleep deficit and the anxiety and stress of planning my schedule and promotion.


“Hi, Randy....We were privileged to meet you at the concert you held earlier this year here in Las Cruces. We sat in the front row, and ….you played an awesome concert - …visited with you for a few minutes while I purchased two of your CD's. Anyway, my cousin… came to visit us in May - he had recently lost his daughter...we were playing one of your CD's and he was so taken with the music, I began to google you to see where he could order your CD's, and I saw that you were to play in Tucson - he happened to be going to Tucson (and) went to see you there. When he returned home to Iowa (my home state) he told all about his trip and meeting you and playing your music. Then I was looking again how to order your CD's, and saw that you were going to play in West Des Moines - so I texted (him) immediately and let my sisters -  - know about it - they all got to attend your house concert! The girls got to visit with you and bought some CD's. My sisters called me on the way home, and I wish you could have heard all the praise they had for you, your music, your heart (we)….. are hoping to see you this month at White Sands - just wanted you to know how such a talented, caring young man can help salve hurting hearts and how appreciated you are - May God continue to bless you with your gift to bless others - our sincerest thanks”

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